Field Training Students
The field training diploma is compulsory for all students enrolled to obtain the Higher Technical Diploma certificate. Training is conducted in the summer semester or in one of the classes according to the requirements of the student's study plan. The student is charged 3 credit hours for each 140 training hours. The focus is on the following points:
1. Strengthen and develop the knowledge and skills acquired by the student during his studies.
2. Empowering and assisting the student in planning his career.
3- The field visits program officer shall determine the field training program for the students in any of the mentioned divisions and supervise them in the internal training in the academy and external training in educational institutions, oil companies and field trips.
4 - The head of each department sets a time schedule for training the students of the department and supervising them in the internal training in laboratories and workshops in the Academy in accordance with the approved study plan, as well as supervision of students during visits to external training in various specialized oil and educational institutions.
5 - To be successful in the field training is required to get the student to 60% of the final grade.
6 - The student is considered to remain for repetition if he failed in the field training even if he was successful in all other theoretical courses and remains for repetition in this course only.
7- The Academy Council shall approve the regulations of the year and the final applied examination in the field training for each specialization, in the light of the suggestions of the councils of the concerned departments (oil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, natural gas technology engineering).
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